Using Bean Bags to Create a Sensory Room at Home– Big Bertha Original UK
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Using Bean Bags to Create a Sensory Room at Home

Using Bean Bags to Create a Sensory Room at Home
Dec 03, 2023

If someone in your family struggles to relax, finds it difficult to concentrate, or is easily overwhelmed, a sensory room can be a useful addition to your home. Whether it’s for a child with autism, an adult with ADHD, a teen who is struggling with anxiety… Or just a space for anyone to chill when the world gets that bit too much. A sensory room can provide a place to regulate the mind through gentle stimulation. And as long as you have the space available, it’s easy to create a sensory room at home.


How to Create a Sensory Room at Home


What is a sensory room?

A sensory room is a dedicated space created to gently develop, stimulate, and engage the senses. They typically include a range of stimuli, including lights, textiles, sounds, colours, and seating, all selected to support self-regulation. You can interact with the features, or you can simply sit and absorb the calming atmosphere. Whichever option works best for each individual.


Why would you need a sensory room? 

People can benefit from sensory rooms for a range of reasons. For some, they’re simply a space to relax and unwind, away from the demands of everyday life. For others, sensory rooms are used for emotional regulation. If they’re feeling anxious, stressed, frustrated, or angry, the environment of the sensory room can be incredibly calming. Which is why so many schools are integrating sensory rooms within their communal spaces. For individuals with ADHD, a sensory space can provide a dopamine boost to help aid concentration and regulate the sleep-wake cycle. While sensory play can stimulate the brain, helping to create neural pathways and improve sensory processing systems for individuals with autism. So, in short, there are a whole range of reasons why you might want or need a sensory room in your home.


How can you create a sensory room at home?

When creating a sensory room, you have two main considerations: the space and the content.


Preparing your sensory room space

The great thing about sensory rooms is that size can be irrelevant. So, if you’ve got a box room, a snug, or even a large storage space that you can keep separate from other activities, it can be made into a sensory space.


It just needs to be safe, have room for the intended user to freely move, and be free from any obstacles that hold the potential to cause harm. So, no wires, no sharp corners. And provide the option to completely cover the windows, because low lighting is naturally calming. In fact, most sensory rooms rely upon entirely artificial lighting. And it’s usually a good idea to opt for plain walls. That way, you can let the user create their own, ever-changing aesthetic with lighting.


What should you have in your sensory room?

The contents of sensory rooms are entirely open for personalisation. But there are a few key features that most sensory rooms contain.


Crash mats and large bean bag floor cushions 

Providing proprioceptive input (loosely translated as physical awareness), crash mats and bean bag floor cushions help both children and adults to self-regulate by pulling the focus to the body and away from the mind. They can also help children to improve their motor skills and planning skills. While providing an outlet for emotions with physical activity.



Lighting is really important in a sensory room. It’s one of the key features, and most sensory rooms have a variety of lighting types. Bubble tube lighting and lava lamps are both accessible and affordable, and incredibly soothing. Interactive wall panel lights can be more expensive, but provide both enjoyable lighting and stimulus. Fibre optic strand lamps can be fun, and you’ll find them for as little as £10 online. While colour-changing smart light bulbs or wall-mounted neon lights can provide safe, hands-off lighting for younger kids, while still creating ambience.


Bean bag seats 

Children with sensory processing disorders and conditions such as dyspraxia often have difficulties with body awareness. They don’t always know what their limbs are doing or where they are placed. Bean bag chairs, like the Kids Giant Snuggle bean bag, can provide a range of benefits. Like crash mats and large floor cushions, they provide proprioceptive input. They also allow children (and adults) to rest in positions that suit them. They can sit down, lie down, flop on their stomach, or sprawl on their side. They can be used to deliver other sensory stimulus through the choice of cover – cord, faux fur, leather, cotton, pompom. And they can help prevent aches and strains through the provision of mouldable support.



 Soft throws and weighted blankets are another product with a dual purpose. The textile can stimulate and calm. A weighted blanket can be used to help with self-calming and sensory regulation. And, at its most fundamental level, a blanket can keep you warm. Which can be useful in a range of scenarios.



Of course, sensory rooms are designed to appeal to the senses. So, although they should be calming, they shouldn’t be boring. So, provide activities. You might want to include books, fidget toys, interactive lights, therapy balls, something to listen to music on, or even a swing seat. And in lieu of a table or hard box to store these things on, it can be worth considering a pouf, just to keep those sharp edges away.


Sensory rooms can be really beneficial for a range of conditions. But they can also be useful as a simple relaxation zone, providing a chill out space and play room for everyone in the family.

View Big Bertha’s complete bean bag collection for more sensory room inspiration. 

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