How to Choose the Right Sized Bean Bag Chair– Big Bertha Original UK
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How to Choose the Right Sized Bean Bag Chair

How to Choose the Right Sized Bean Bag Chair
Nov 13, 2023

So, you’ve decided to invest in some bean bag furniture. Brilliant idea! Bean bags are not only hugely comfortable, but can be great for posture, pain relief, and relaxation. But they do come with one little problem: working out which size to buy. Bean bags now come in a whole range of shapes and sizes, from the cutest little Bubble armchairs for your littlies, to enormous king-sized sofas. So, how do you know which size will suit your needs?

What’s the Right Bean Bag Size for You?

To determine the right bean bag size for your needs, you need to ask yourself a series of questions.

How much space do you have?

 OK, let’s start with the obvious one. Before you buy any furniture of any kind, you need to work out how much space you have available. Because if you’re using a bean bag as a chair, you probably don’t want it to dominate your entire room. So, do some measurements. Work out exactly how much space you’re prepared for your bean bag to take up, then choose appropriately.

What do you want to use your bean bag for?

This, again, seems like an obvious question. But bean bags can have a range of functions. You might want a high-back bean bag chair for independent activities, such as gaming, reading, or working. While a bean bag sofa can accommodate several people, depending upon the size. And don’t forget, there are bean bags made specifically for young children and teens available too.

When are you going to use it?

While bean bag chairs are increasingly being used to replace more traditional seating, they can also make useful temporary additions. The XL pillow bean bag, for example, is flat for easy storage, but can be great for pulling out for playing board games, watching movies, or to give the kids somewhere comfy to sit when you’ve got people visiting. But if you’re looking to replace an armchair with a bean bag, then you’re probably better choosing something with a bit more structure, like the Cuddle Up chair.

How do you like to sit?

Most bean bags are pretty versatile. They give you plenty of scope to reposition the seat to suit your body. But different bean bags have different intended functions. So, if you like to snuggle up with your legs curled up, then you’re not going to find anything better than the Mega Mammoth – but it won’t do if you’re someone who likes to sit with their feet on the floor.

How many people do you wish to accommodate?

Whether it’s story time with the kids or relaxing with your partner, sometimes a seat for one just won’t cut it. That’s where a sofa, like the Josephine, might come in. Whereas, if you’re more of a solo-stretcher, a lounging bean bag might make a better choice.

The assumption amongst shoppers is that bigger is always better when it comes to bean bags. But that’s not always the case. The most comfortable bean bag in the world is the one that you enjoy using. So, when making your selection, think about your needs. What you most want from your perfect seat. Then, head across to the Big Bertha website and narrow down your choices.

View the full Big Bertha bean bag chair collection

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